Welcome to the Production Art Page

This section is the result of hours of net searches and the generosity of others. All the 'altered' production sketches came from numerous copies I had of the Turner Feature's in-house newsletter - The Kitty Letter'. The model sheets are donations from several individuals, bless em all. Other sources include Ebay and animation art galleries. And then there were a few people who were just nice enough to share scans and photos of the art treasures they own.
Has this fandom got great people, or what?  :)

Model Sheets Character Sketches Character Clean Ups
Storyboards,Lyts, Bkgds & Misc. Maquettes Sue's Rock Community Archives


CDD Model Sheets
newest additions are in highlighted cels.


DannyMS01.jpg    57k DannyMS02.jpg    52k DannyMS03.gif     52k DannyMS04.gif     55k
DannyMS05.gif   38k DannyMS06    31k DanImitations.gif    33k DanRoughMS3.jpg  53k
PremDannyMS.gif  58k DanRoughMS.gif   61k DannyMS07.jpg    40k  


SawyerMS01.jpg   47k SawyerMS02.jpg   62k SawyerMS03.jpg  47k SawyerMS04.gif    42k 
SawyerMS05.gif    38k SawyerMS06.gif    27k SawyerMS07.gif    26k SawyerMS08.gif    33k
PremSawyerMS.gif 46k SawyerMS09.jpg   55k SawyerMS10.jpg   64k SawyerMS11.jpg    47k
SawyerMS12.jpg    45k SawyerMS13.jpg    46k SawyerMS14.jpg    30k SawyerMS15.jpg     34k
SawyerMS16.jpg    32k      

Darla Dimple

DarlaMS01.gif   64k DarlaMS02.jpg   46k DarlaMS03.jpg  84k DarlaMS04.gif   59k
DarlaMS05.gif    55k DarlaMS06.gif     51k DarlaMS07.gif    41k DarlaMS08.gif    43k

DarlaMS09.gif    45k

DarlaMS10.jpg    57k

DarlaMS11.jpg    47k

DarlaMS12.jpg    56k

DarlaMS13.jpg    62k




MaxMS01.jpg   48k MaxMS02.gif   53k MaxHeadMS1.jpg  50k Max_DanMS2.gif  64k
MaxMS03.gif    41k MaxMS04.gif    51k MaxMS05.gif   43k  


TillieMS01.gif   48k TillieMS02.gif   30k TillieMS03.gif    35k PremTillie2MS.gif  38k
TillieMS05.gif   70k TillieMS06.gif   50k PremTillieMS.gif   58k TillieMS04.gif    35k


PudgeMS02.gif   36k PudgeMS03.jpg   55k PudgeMS04.jpg   28k Pudge MS05.gif   32k
PremPudgeMS.gif   54k      


CranstonMS01.jpg 72k CranstonMS02.jpg  48k CranstonMS03.gif   44k CranstonMS04.gif   35k
CranstonMS05.gif  35k CranstonMS06.gif  62k CranstonMS07.gif  61k PremCranstonMS   73k
CranstonMS08.gif  24k      
  FrancisMS01.jpg   56k PremFrancisMS.gif   66k  
WoolieMS01.jpg  61k WoolieMS02.gif    27k PremWoolieMS.gif   66k  
FlaniganMS01.jpg  56k FlaniganMS02.gif   60k FlaniganMS03.gif   52k FlaniganMS04.gif 62k
FlaniganMS05.jpg    38k FlaniganMS06.jpg    60k FlaniganMS07.jpg    57k  
T.W. Turtle
TWMS01.gif   44k TWMS02.gif    31k PremTWMS.gif    45k  

L.B. Mammoth

LBMS01.jpg   42k LBMS02.gif   67k LBMS03.jpg     54k LBMS04.jpg      68k
LBMS05.jpg     51k      
Farley Wink
  FarleyMS01.gif   45k    

Additional Cast

AnimalCast01.gif    49k AnimalCast02.gif    47k AnimalCast03.gif    39k AnimalCast04.gif    40k
AnimalCast05.gif    43 AnimalCast06.gif    46k AnimalCast07.gif    46k AnimalCast08.gif    32k
AnimalCast09.gif    33k AnimalCast10.gif    33k AnimalCast11.gif    26k AnimalCast12.gif    39k
AnimalCast13.gif    33k AnimalCast14.gif      47k AnimalCast15.gif     44k AnimalCast16.gif     40k
AnimalCast17.gif     53k      

Kokomo Animal models

KokomoAnimals01.gif  KokomoAnimals02.gif  KokomoAnimals03.gif  KokomoAnimals04.gif 
KokomoAnimals05.gif  KokomoAnimals06.gif  KokomoAnimals07.gif  KokomoAnimals08.gif 
KokomoAnimals09.gif  KokomoAnimals10.gif  KokomoAnimals11.gif  KokomoAnimals12.gif 

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Character sketches

DExtreme.gif 41k Animation rough of Danny in an extreme 'take'
MiscPeople01.gif 16k Character design sketches of the human cast extras.
MiscPeople02.gif 16k
MiscPeople03.gif 14k
MiscPeople04.gif 45k
MiscPeople05.gif 22k
MiscPeople06.gif 16k
MiscPeople07.gif 15k
MiscPeople08.gif 14k
MiscPeople09.gif 41k
MiscPeople10.gif 34k
MiscPeople11.gif 21k
MiscPeople12.gif 21k
DDimple1.jpg 50k An animation sketch of Darla in 'naughty' mode.
DDimple2.jpg 17k An animation sketch of Darla being nice.
MaxStomp.gif 19k Drawing of Max and some poor sap underfoot.
MaxWalks.gif 149k An animated .gif  made from a series of 20 animation roughs of Max's walk cycle.
DarlaWalks.gif 174k An animated .gif  made from a series of 6 animation roughs of Darla Dimple's walk cycle.
DanSk4.jpg 21k Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene.
DanSk5.jpg 23k Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene.
DanSk6.jpg 22k Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene.
JohnAlvinCDDPoster.jpg 23k An alternate poster done by John Alvin, found on a Chuck Jones animation art site.
FWink01.jpg 26k Rough sketch of Farley Wink -dream on buddy...
FWink02.jpg 28k Farley pitching a fit- rough sketch
FWink03.jpg 33k Farley making a point- rough sketch
FWink04.jpg 40 Farley on the phone- rough sketch
FWink05.jpg 25k Farley and the phone- rough sketch
DannyKneel.jpg 38k Animation sketch of Danny kneeling. Artist Bob Scott
DanTillieDancing.jpg 41k Rough of Tillie and Danny dancing
FrancisSk2.gif 46k rough sketches of Francis talking
DanOnHisWay.jpg 14k Animation sketch of Danny with his suitcase
SawyerRun.jpg 11k Animation sketch of Sawyer running to work
Cats10.jpg 19k Danny animation art –might be by Bob Scott
DannyX2.jpg 39k Two little Danny sketches by Bob Scott
HappyMax.jpg 25k Max cracking a grin- sketch by Mike Kunkel
DanSk1.jpg 21k Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene.
DanSk2.jpg 25k Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene.
DanSk3.jpg 25k Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene.
DanSawLookUp.jpg 35k Animation rough of Danny & Sawyer in the ark scene.
ScapeGoat.jpg 20k Artist sketch - Cranston is Cupids' scapegoat
Danlist.jpg 47K Rough sketch - Danny making out his Christmas list?
BatDarla.JPG   38k Artists sketch - "I am the terror that flaps in the night." Oops wrong film.
Wol_TilHug.JPG   55k Rough sketch - Woolie & Tillie hug.

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Character Clean Ups

DannyPOE.gif 18k Danny removing his Eygptian costume
TillieCoy.jpg 36k Cleanup over rough of Tillie in a coy pose
TillieSnicker.gif 15k Clean of Tillie giggling
TillieTumble.gif 36k Two cleans from Tillies roll across the ark
MaxMidRumba2.jpg 30k Cleanup over rough of Max's rumba #2
DarlaAngelic.jpg 44k Cleanups of Darla in Little Ark Angel mode
MaxMidRumba.jpg 40k Clean over rough of Max being caught in the act
DannyNSmudge.gif 24k Interesting fast action inbetween of Danny & Pudge
DarlaFallen.gif 23k Cleanup of Darla - how the mighty have fallen.
MammothLogo.gif 12k Line art of the Mammoth Studio logo
DannyKeyCleanups.jpg 80k Cleanups of Danny by artist John Eddings
DannyKeyCleanups2.jpg 72k Cleanups of Danny (goodbye to Kokomo) Artist:  
J. Eddings
NoTea4Pudge.gif 25k Pudge's mishap at tea time with Woolie
BadMax.gif 27k What happened to the last person to upset Darla
Mae.jpg 26k Everybody’s sweetheart, Mae West! Artist: D.Woodman
Cranston3.jpg 32k You can't please everybody 
Catsblend.jpg 34k Lovely transformation image of Danny & Sawyer
Danny_Max.jpg 48k Cleanups from two scenes, combined in an interesting way.
DanZoot.jpg 30k Cleanup of zoot suit Danny.
Dan_SawDip.jpg 37k Cleanup of Danny & Sawyer dip.
DanOsc.jpg 23k Modified cleanup - Dannys' first Oscar. We can dream.
Rhumbamas.jpg 30k Modified cleanup - Whee! It's Maraca Max!
DanMulan.jpg 34k Modified production drawing - A Mulanization of Danny.
DarlaSpas.jpg 27K Modified production drawing - Darla freaks out! Scary!
Francis.JPG   37k Modified production drawing - Francis with a new "doo"
DanSad.JPG   22k Production Drawing - I don't get a donut?

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Storyboard, Layouts, Bkgds & Misc.

*the storyboard images here are single drawings or short series up to3
Storyboard150_12.jpg 50k Storyboard panel of a happy Danny
Storyboard90A.jpg 63k First of 2 layout roughs -Danny and Sawyer going up to Woolie's trailer
Storyboard90B.jpg 53k 2nd rough- Danny and Sawyer waiting outside Woolie's trailer
Storyboard190_01.jpg 23k First of 3 panels-Woolie, Sawyer, and Cranston sneaking around the lot
Storyboard190_02.jpg 35k 2nd of 3. Same as above
Storyboard190_03.jpg 38k 3 of 3. The group coming to a door 
ControlBoothLYT.jpg 83k An electrifying layout drawing of a control booth 
MammothBldgLYT.jpg 48k Rough perspective sketch of the buildings on the lot
MammothTowerWOverlay.jpg 45k Clean layout of the Mammoth Office Bldg w waterfall
DDimpleTeaRoom.jpg 53k Layout drawing of Darla's tea room
DimpleBldgDisplay.jpg 49k Rough sketches of the Dimple billboards on the lot
DannyCabSTB.jpg 21k Storyboard sketch of Danny atop a taxi cab.
PremiereSTB.jpg 85k A storyboard drawing of the premiere just outside Grauman's.
MainTitle_01.jpg 152k First part of the long layout sketch of the traveling shot in the opening titles.
MainTitle_02.jpg 71k Second part of the same.
MainTitle_03.jpg 77k Third part of the same.
DarlaHouseLYT.jpg 60k A pencil layout of the exterior of Darla's home.
DinerLYT.jpg 57k Isometric drawing of Pinky's Diner interior.
FarleysOfficeLYT.jpg 64k A pencil layout of the waiting room at Farley Wink's office.
CDD_BusStop.jpg 39k Portion of a background, done in acrylic.
CDD_MammothGate.jpg 39k Portion of a background, done in gouche.
MammothBkgd.jpg 55k Background painting of Mammoth Studios establishing shot.
Torresan1.jpg 59k Storyboard from Darlas Big & Loud Pt.2 
Artist: Ennio Torresan
Torresan2.jpg 54k Storyboard from Darlas Big & Loud Pt.2
Artist: Ennio Torresan
DEntrance.jpg 61k Storyboard art from early in production
SawColors2.jpg 64k Sample colors for Sawyer in her sailor suit.
SawColors.jpg 62k Color Model of Sawyer in her street clothes.
CDDMontage.jpg 60k CDD production materials montage

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DannyTurnaround.jpg 82k A Danny painted maquette, 4 views
SawyerTurnaround.jpg 70k A Sawyer painted maquette, 4 views
WoolieTurnaround.jpg 65k A Woolie painted maquette, 4 views
MaxTurnaround.jpg 55k A Max painted maquette, 4 views
PudgeTurnaround.jpg  64k A Pudge painted maquette, 4 views
DarlaTurnaround.jpg 72k A Darla Dimple painted maquette,  4 views
LBTurnaround.jpg 45k A L.B. Mammoth painted maquette, 4views
FrancisTurnaround.jpg 73k A darling Francis painted maquette, 4 views
CranstonTurnaround.jpg 78k A Cranston painted maquette, 4 views


57k Close-up side view of Sawyer maquette
SawyerMaquette.JPG 54k Lovely little Sawyer maquette
DannyNoColorFr.jpg 30k Front shot of an unpainted Danny maquette
DannyNoColorBk.jpg 37k Back shot of an unpainted Danny maquette
DannyMaquetteSide.JPG 37k Side shot of Danny maquette
DannyMaquette.JPG 53k Front shot of Danny maquette
WoolieNoColorFr.jpg 23k Unpainted Woolie maquette. Front view
WoolieNoColorBk.jpg 31k Unpainted Woolie maquette. Back view
MaquetteWoolie.JPG 30k Sculptor Robin Linn works on maquette of Woolie
CranstonNoColorFr.jpg 19k Unpainted Cranston maquette. Front view
CranstonNoColorBk.jpg 21k Unpainted Cranston maquette. Back view
CranstonMaquette.JPG 43k Production Maquette of Cranston Goat
MaxMaquette.JPG 50k Front on view of Max
TWColorFr.jpg 32k Painted TW maquette. Front view
TWColorBk.jpg 35k Painted TW maquette. Back view
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  Many years ago  there was an awesome site called Sue's Rock Animation Archives. Fed by the professional art community, it provided an extensive collection of animation model sheet and production art. Sadly, it disappeared from the net as other 'wannabe' archives lifted images without crediting Sue's Rock the original source and even editing out the watermarks in some instances. These images are sketch and model sheet roughs from the Cats Don't Dance section at Sue's Rock. Some of them are repeats of images we already have in the production art sections above, I have included them since they are of better quality.
Many thanks to Sue & Rob for sharing these so long ago. :)
Crans01.jpg 85k Cranston rough model sheet sketch
danny01.jpg 84k A unique series of early version Danny pose and attitude sketches, and 2 model sheet roughs.
danny02.jpg 90k
danny03.jpg 81k
danny04.jpg 78k
danny05.jpg 93k
danny06.jpg 131k
danny07.jpg 106k
tilly01.jpg 86k Nicer pose and attitude sketches of Tillie that we have above.
tilly02.jpg 136k
tilly03.jpg 107k
tilly04.jpg 54k
tilly05.jpg 95k
tilly06.jpg 115k
tilly07.jpg 86k
tyler01.jpg 81k Nicer soft sketch versions of  Tyler ( who was supposed to be Danny's pal) than we have here.
tyler02.jpg 66k
tyler03.jpg 117k

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