Welcome to the Production Art Page
This section is the result of
hours of net searches and the generosity of others. All the 'altered' production
sketches came from numerous copies I had of the Turner Feature's in-house
newsletter - The Kitty Letter'. The model sheets are donations from several
individuals, bless em all. Other sources include Ebay and animation art
galleries. And then there were a few people who were just nice enough to share
scans and photos of the art treasures they own.
Has this fandom got great people, or what? :)
Model Sheets | Character Sketches | Character Clean Ups |
Storyboards,Lyts, Bkgds & Misc. | Maquettes | Sue's Rock Community Archives |
DExtreme.gif | 41k | Animation rough of Danny in an extreme 'take' |
MiscPeople01.gif | 16k | Character design sketches of the human cast extras. |
MiscPeople02.gif | 16k | |
MiscPeople03.gif | 14k | |
MiscPeople04.gif | 45k | |
MiscPeople05.gif | 22k | |
MiscPeople06.gif | 16k | |
MiscPeople07.gif | 15k | |
MiscPeople08.gif | 14k | |
MiscPeople09.gif | 41k | |
MiscPeople10.gif | 34k | |
MiscPeople11.gif | 21k | |
MiscPeople12.gif | 21k | |
DDimple1.jpg | 50k | An animation sketch of Darla in 'naughty' mode. |
DDimple2.jpg | 17k | An animation sketch of Darla being nice. |
MaxStomp.gif | 19k | Drawing of Max and some poor sap underfoot. |
MaxWalks.gif | 149k | An animated .gif made from a series of 20 animation roughs of Max's walk cycle. |
DarlaWalks.gif | 174k | An animated .gif made from a series of 6 animation roughs of Darla Dimple's walk cycle. |
DanSk4.jpg | 21k | Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene. |
DanSk5.jpg | 23k | Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene. |
DanSk6.jpg | 22k | Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene. |
JohnAlvinCDDPoster.jpg | 23k | An alternate poster done by John Alvin, found on a Chuck Jones animation art site. |
FWink01.jpg | 26k | Rough sketch of Farley Wink -dream on buddy... |
FWink02.jpg | 28k | Farley pitching a fit- rough sketch |
FWink03.jpg | 33k | Farley making a point- rough sketch |
FWink04.jpg | 40 | Farley on the phone- rough sketch |
FWink05.jpg | 25k | Farley and the phone- rough sketch |
DannyKneel.jpg | 38k | Animation sketch of Danny kneeling. Artist Bob Scott |
DanTillieDancing.jpg | 41k | Rough of Tillie and Danny dancing |
FrancisSk2.gif | 46k | rough sketches of Francis talking |
DanOnHisWay.jpg | 14k | Animation sketch of Danny with his suitcase |
SawyerRun.jpg | 11k | Animation sketch of Sawyer running to work |
Cats10.jpg | 19k | Danny animation art –might be by Bob Scott |
DannyX2.jpg | 39k | Two little Danny sketches by Bob Scott |
HappyMax.jpg | 25k | Max cracking a grin- sketch by Mike Kunkel |
DanSk1.jpg | 21k | Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene. |
DanSk2.jpg | 25k | Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene. |
DanSk3.jpg | 25k | Animation rough from Dannys arrival scene. |
DanSawLookUp.jpg | 35k | Animation rough of Danny & Sawyer in the ark scene. |
ScapeGoat.jpg | 20k | Artist sketch - Cranston is Cupids' scapegoat |
Danlist.jpg | 47K | Rough sketch - Danny making out his Christmas list? |
BatDarla.JPG | 38k | Artists sketch - "I am the terror that flaps in the night." Oops wrong film. |
Wol_TilHug.JPG | 55k | Rough sketch - Woolie & Tillie hug. |
DannyPOE.gif | 18k | Danny removing his Eygptian costume |
TillieCoy.jpg | 36k | Cleanup over rough of Tillie in a coy pose |
TillieSnicker.gif | 15k | Clean of Tillie giggling |
TillieTumble.gif | 36k | Two cleans from Tillies roll across the ark |
MaxMidRumba2.jpg | 30k | Cleanup over rough of Max's rumba #2 |
DarlaAngelic.jpg | 44k | Cleanups of Darla in Little Ark Angel mode |
MaxMidRumba.jpg | 40k | Clean over rough of Max being caught in the act |
DannyNSmudge.gif | 24k | Interesting fast action inbetween of Danny & Pudge |
DarlaFallen.gif | 23k | Cleanup of Darla - how the mighty have fallen. |
MammothLogo.gif | 12k | Line art of the Mammoth Studio logo |
DannyKeyCleanups.jpg | 80k | Cleanups of Danny by artist John Eddings |
DannyKeyCleanups2.jpg | 72k | Cleanups
of Danny (goodbye to Kokomo) Artist: J. Eddings |
NoTea4Pudge.gif | 25k | Pudge's mishap at tea time with Woolie |
BadMax.gif | 27k | What happened to the last person to upset Darla |
Mae.jpg | 26k | Everybody’s sweetheart, Mae West! Artist: D.Woodman |
Cranston3.jpg | 32k | You can't please everybody |
Catsblend.jpg | 34k | Lovely transformation image of Danny & Sawyer |
Danny_Max.jpg | 48k | Cleanups from two scenes, combined in an interesting way. |
DanZoot.jpg | 30k | Cleanup of zoot suit Danny. |
Dan_SawDip.jpg | 37k | Cleanup of Danny & Sawyer dip. |
DanOsc.jpg | 23k | Modified cleanup - Dannys' first Oscar. We can dream. |
Rhumbamas.jpg | 30k | Modified cleanup - Whee! It's Maraca Max! |
DanMulan.jpg | 34k | Modified production drawing - A Mulanization of Danny. |
DarlaSpas.jpg | 27K | Modified production drawing - Darla freaks out! Scary! |
Francis.JPG | 37k | Modified production drawing - Francis with a new "doo" |
DanSad.JPG | 22k | Production Drawing - I don't get a donut? |
Storyboard, Layouts, Bkgds & Misc.
Storyboard150_12.jpg | 50k | Storyboard panel of a happy Danny |
Storyboard90A.jpg | 63k | First of 2 layout roughs -Danny and Sawyer going up to Woolie's trailer |
Storyboard90B.jpg | 53k | 2nd rough- Danny and Sawyer waiting outside Woolie's trailer |
Storyboard190_01.jpg | 23k | First of 3 panels-Woolie, Sawyer, and Cranston sneaking around the lot |
Storyboard190_02.jpg | 35k | 2nd of 3. Same as above |
Storyboard190_03.jpg | 38k | 3 of 3. The group coming to a door |
ControlBoothLYT.jpg | 83k | An electrifying layout drawing of a control booth |
MammothBldgLYT.jpg | 48k | Rough perspective sketch of the buildings on the lot |
MammothTowerWOverlay.jpg | 45k | Clean layout of the Mammoth Office Bldg w waterfall |
DDimpleTeaRoom.jpg | 53k | Layout drawing of Darla's tea room |
DimpleBldgDisplay.jpg | 49k | Rough sketches of the Dimple billboards on the lot |
DannyCabSTB.jpg | 21k | Storyboard sketch of Danny atop a taxi cab. |
PremiereSTB.jpg | 85k | A storyboard drawing of the premiere just outside Grauman's. |
MainTitle_01.jpg | 152k | First part of the long layout sketch of the traveling shot in the opening titles. |
MainTitle_02.jpg | 71k | Second part of the same. |
MainTitle_03.jpg | 77k | Third part of the same. |
DarlaHouseLYT.jpg | 60k | A pencil layout of the exterior of Darla's home. |
DinerLYT.jpg | 57k | Isometric drawing of Pinky's Diner interior. |
FarleysOfficeLYT.jpg | 64k | A pencil layout of the waiting room at Farley Wink's office. |
CDD_BusStop.jpg | 39k | Portion of a background, done in acrylic. |
CDD_MammothGate.jpg | 39k | Portion of a background, done in gouche. |
MammothBkgd.jpg | 55k | Background painting of Mammoth Studios establishing shot. |
Torresan1.jpg | 59k | Storyboard from Darlas Big &
Loud Pt.2 Artist: Ennio Torresan |
Torresan2.jpg | 54k | Storyboard from Darlas Big &
Loud Pt.2 Artist: Ennio Torresan |
DEntrance.jpg | 61k | Storyboard art from early in production |
SawColors2.jpg | 64k | Sample colors for Sawyer in her sailor suit. |
SawColors.jpg | 62k | Color Model of Sawyer in her street clothes. |
CDDMontage.jpg | 60k | CDD production materials montage |
DannyTurnaround.jpg | 82k | A Danny painted maquette, 4 views |
SawyerTurnaround.jpg | 70k | A Sawyer painted maquette, 4 views |
WoolieTurnaround.jpg | 65k | A Woolie painted maquette, 4 views |
MaxTurnaround.jpg | 55k | A Max painted maquette, 4 views |
PudgeTurnaround.jpg | 64k | A Pudge painted maquette, 4 views |
DarlaTurnaround.jpg | 72k | A Darla Dimple painted maquette, 4 views |
LBTurnaround.jpg | 45k | A L.B. Mammoth painted maquette, 4views |
FrancisTurnaround.jpg | 73k | A darling Francis painted maquette, 4 views |
CranstonTurnaround.jpg | 78k | A Cranston painted maquette, 4 views |
57k | Close-up side view of Sawyer maquette | |
SawyerMaquette.JPG | 54k | Lovely little Sawyer maquette |
DannyNoColorFr.jpg | 30k | Front shot of an unpainted Danny maquette |
DannyNoColorBk.jpg | 37k | Back shot of an unpainted Danny maquette |
DannyMaquetteSide.JPG | 37k | Side shot of Danny maquette |
DannyMaquette.JPG | 53k | Front shot of Danny maquette |
WoolieNoColorFr.jpg | 23k | Unpainted Woolie maquette. Front view |
WoolieNoColorBk.jpg | 31k | Unpainted Woolie maquette. Back view |
MaquetteWoolie.JPG | 30k | Sculptor Robin Linn works on maquette of Woolie |
CranstonNoColorFr.jpg | 19k | Unpainted Cranston maquette. Front view |
CranstonNoColorBk.jpg | 21k | Unpainted Cranston maquette. Back view |
CranstonMaquette.JPG | 43k | Production Maquette of Cranston Goat |
MaxMaquette.JPG | 50k | Front on view of Max |
TWColorFr.jpg | 32k | Painted TW maquette. Front view |
TWColorBk.jpg | 35k | Painted TW maquette. Back view |
back to top |
![]() Many thanks to Sue & Rob for sharing these so long ago. :) |
Crans01.jpg | 85k | Cranston rough model sheet sketch |
danny01.jpg | 84k | A unique series of early version Danny pose and attitude sketches, and 2 model sheet roughs. |
danny02.jpg | 90k | |
danny03.jpg | 81k | |
danny04.jpg | 78k | |
danny05.jpg | 93k | |
danny06.jpg | 131k | |
danny07.jpg | 106k | |
tilly01.jpg | 86k | Nicer pose and attitude sketches of Tillie that we have above. |
tilly02.jpg | 136k | |
tilly03.jpg | 107k | |
tilly04.jpg | 54k | |
tilly05.jpg | 95k | |
tilly06.jpg | 115k | |
tilly07.jpg | 86k | |
tyler01.jpg | 81k | Nicer soft sketch versions of Tyler ( who was supposed to be Danny's pal) than we have here. |
tyler02.jpg | 66k | |
tyler03.jpg | 117k | |